The Versatile Blogger Award

The 23rd of December I received an early Christmas present from Scriptor Obscura: A nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Thank you Scriptor Obscura. 1,000,000 times thank you. I am so happy that you liked my blog enough to give me this award. It is very encouraging to receive your kind support. Also, thank you very much for reading my blog. I hope you will enjoy reading it in the future as well.

And now,

The rules:

1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass this award along to however many or few blogs you would like. This way the award is more meaningful, rather than just becoming an endless bloggy chain letter that eventually every single blog in the whole world will have, and some will regard as simply nothing more than spam.

4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

Hmm… 7 things seem like a lot. How about I write 3? Then perhaps I will not bore you to death before you reach the good part of the post: the new nominees.

1. I once began to teach myself ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Hieroglyphs typical of the Graeco-Roman period
I got as far as being able to read names, dates and a few small typical expressions (for example the equivalent of ‘rest in peace’) before other things got in the way. Now I’ve forgotten most of it again.

2. When I was very young, I once saw a picture of my father from when he was about twenty years old. When my mother asked who I thought it was, I answered:

‘My big sister. With a beard.’

3. I began training taekwondo when I was ten years old.
I stopped when I was 18, but somehow I have kept quite a lot of the muscle.
And now to the good part.

I agree very much with point 3 in the rules. So in an attempt to preserve as much meaning as possible for this award, I have chosen to only nominate two bloggers.
(I wanted to nominate three at first, but then I found out that the third blogger, I wanted to nominate, had already received this award.)

Here it comes.


The two bloggers I want to nominate for the Versatile Blogger Award




Spell-sword, for his stories.


Beverly Penn
, for her well chosen quotes and recommendations for reading.

PS. The third person I wanted to nominate was Novel Girl, for her writing tips. But as mentioned before, she has already received this award.

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  1. Thank you so much, WR!

  2. Given your taekwondo prowess, I think it would be unwise of me not to follow your blog.

  3. Thank you so very much W.R. Woolf. It is greatly appreciated.

  1. Versatile Blogger’s Award « ♡ The Tale Of My Heart ♡
  2. Blogger of the Month Award – December | Day in the life of a Busy Gal…
  3. An Awe-Inspiring New Year’s Surprise! – allaboutlemon
  4. Versatile Blogger Award 2 – allaboutlemon
  5. Kreative Blogger Award – allaboutlemon

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